Amin Sanat avrin Machine manufacturing
Our latest products
Desktop disc lathe
2 – Ability to change the forward and backward speed with 4 different modes
3 – Ability to cut discs with a maximum thickness of 5 cm
on-car disc lathe
2 – Ability to change the forward and backward speed with 9 different modes
3 – Ability to cut discs with a maximum thickness of 5 cm
truck-car desktop disc lathe
2 – Ability to change the forward and backward speed with 4 different modes
3 – Ability to cut discs with a maximum thickness of 5 cm

cut disk with Yonarak disk lathes
Brake disc lathe and clutch disc lathe
Yonarak Group has been able to become more popular among repairmen every day during its years of activity (since 2011) by producing more than six hundred disc lathes in various types of desktop disc lathes and in-situ disc lathes / surface disc lathes. We offer simple and fast solutions for brake disc repair, which you can use to upgrade your activity to a higher level with a small investment in the purchase of a disc lathe, and prevent wasting your time and money and the customer..

Stay with us
Programs ahead of Yonarak
The development of customers’ business and increasing the level of income and job position of Yonarak customers and other businesses in the field of automotive services has always been one of the plans of this company.

About yonarak
Amin Sanat avrin Machine manufacturing
Amin Sanat avrin Machine Building has started its activity since 1390, relying on the knowledge and expertise of its personnel and management, in the field of design and production of custom machines and devices in order to meet the needs of its customers.
The research and development unit of this group has tried to identify the needs of customers and use the latest technology in the world and while maintaining the quality of products to achieve the growth and development process of the group.
In this regard, YONARAK prepares itself to evolve and become a distinctive company for survival and stability in difficult conditions and will strive to become one of the most successful and prominent international companies in the field of industry with a leap forward.
- Completely Iranian product
- Dedicated production technology
- Excellent build quality
- Product warranty
How Yonarak works
The sale is the beginning of a commitment and the beginning of a partnership for Yonarak.
Our commitment starts from the first customer relationship with this company based on honesty. Unarak is with its customers with innovation and creative ideas and online after-sales service.

free consultation
Call and get free pre-purchase consultation. We help you choose the tools you need carefully.
Video tutorial
Training in 2 forms in person at the time of customer delivery and in person by sending videos and instructions for using and maintaining the device along with a manual of device parts is provided to esteemed customers ..
after sales services
After-sales service: All products of this company have one year warranty and 10 years after-sales service. In order to respect the customers, all after-sales services are done online and through the website.
Here is the answer to your question
Your Frequently Asked Questions
Q: If we need after-sales service, which number should we call?
A: You can Contact us via our contact page (click me). we will be so happy to help about
Q: Which car can I repair with Yonarak disk lathes?
A: You can use Yonarak disk lathe for every car from a little ford to super sport cars, middle weitght trucks, Land Cruises and etc.
and You can cut any brake-disk or Brake-bowl Desktop disk-lathe made by yonarak.
Q: Does this disk lathe shave the back wheels of cars?
A: Yes this device can cut the rear wheel as far as the fender allows. absolutely, if the user is a little creative, he can shame most of cars with on-car disk lathe.
Q: Why do the blades howl when cutting?
A: The blades have been used too much. The tip of the blade or the entire blade must be replaced.
Q: How many lathes does each pair of blades produce?
A: It depends on the amount of load, if a maximum of 0.3 Millimetre of a load is given per round, it will cut about 50 pairs of discs in every 3 corners of the blade.(Totally 300 disk shaving by a pair of blades)
Q: Why does the power (gearbox dynamo) make a croaking sound but it does not work?
Due to the high pressure on the power supply, the power fuse has blown.
It should be noted that leave the power supply empty for 1 minute before turning so that the platinum alternator works trully.
Q: What should we done if the device is damaged while sending to the customer?
A: Contact us immediately before accepting the device via ways we offered in our contact page (click me). we will on-line to help about.